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ultima problemă
grupă: mică
sursă: OMI 2016
ultimul articol
autor: Prof. Radu Vişinescu
ultimul software
autor: Prof. Emanuela Cerchez
Sursa 240619
Concurent: Ana Kapros (Ana Kapros)Progres: evaluare completă
Problemă: cifru4Punctaj exemplu: 30
Limbaj: pasPunctaj final: 100
Dată: 9 mar 2013, 20:44
Mesaj evaluator:
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2005/11/26] for i386 Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl Target OS: Linux for i386 Compiling cifru4.pas cifru4.pas(12,1) Warning: Variable "i" does not seem to be initialized cifru4.pas(18,7) Warning: Variable "nr" does not seem to be initialized cifru4.pas(19,20) Warning: Variable "x" does not seem to be initialized cifru4.pas(22,24) Warning: Variable "y" does not seem to be initialized cifru4.pas(2,9) Note: Local variable "j" not used cifru4.pas(2,13) Note: Local variable "p" not used cifru4.pas(2,15) Note: Local variable "q" not used Linking executable 26 Lines compiled, 0.0 sec
Teste de evaluare:
Test Timp Mesaj evaluator Punctaj
0 0 Okay! 10
1 0 Okay! 10
2 0 Okay! 10
Total exemple 30
3 0 Okay! 10
4 0 Okay! 10
5 0 Okay! 10
6 0 Okay! 10
7 0 Okay! 10
8 0 Okay! 10
9 0 Okay! 10
10 0 Okay! 10
11 0 Okay! 10
12 0 Okay! 10
Total evaluare 100